Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wordings For Death Anniversary Invitation

Restless. I do not know if that's the word. I'm like a story that never ends, when I get lost in the curl of your lashes trying unsuccessfully to get you defects. Seem to be perfectly made two eyes.
Sometimes I also like the sea, ending always in your bank. But I'm like an eclipse, covered by your memory at midnight, day, and at this hour in the morning.
no longer find peace if not in your eyes. I can not find in life if not your name, that have become in my will, in my religion and my spine. That, as never before, is perpetuated in my reason because of your kisses (make me believe otherwise is impossible.)
I stay stuck in your mouth and my kisses say the things I feel. I would like to overwinter in your eyes and your eyes could only see how much I love you. I would like to flood your words and your mouth just to talk about myself.
And now as I write this verse beginning to feel in my neck your endless smile that always gets me happy, and as far as ever, I turned to see that you, who needed here.


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