Friday, February 4, 2011

Quotes On 25th Birthday

Our condolences to Ervin.

The reality is coming, unwavering at the foot of John Tristelme as time passes. Although these postmodern times fictional events and media constructions leaders collude with low-flying (Pompilio, Love) to delay the undeniable truth, it, like water, it does towards its unanimous port.

Boca spent more than $ 3 million to bring Walter Ervin, one of the few good feet that are depleted in our football, not even repair the recent public expenditure (u $ s 6 million) to retain a veteran player in your position (Tristelme).

Thus, the speed of events and the multiplication media gives us that Falcioni (caring course) declare without any resentment that "do not spend much money and went to the players that were sold.'s finances are not unbalanced at all. San Lorenzo spent Ortigoza what Ervin and brought us six players."

Falcioni, recognized man build teams from back to front, is in the complex situation of men remove brand to continue bringing in the starting line to John Friomán Tristelme.

Boca continues to pay costs in addition to those already mentioned. Falcioni is limited in its projection of play and Ervin ... Ervin poor ... Ervin you want to bind to a cobblestone.

Our condolences Walter, who will be mild.


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