Thursday, December 9, 2010

House Warming In Bible

Sorry, I'm your Dioni

Dionisio War I, but I'm Dionne. So call me a long time that I want. At school, in college, at work. Dion, the first five letters of my name.
Until today I thought the only Dion on the face of the earth. Until this afternoon I received an email from "JOSE" a "boy of 21 years, declaring my fan and congratulated me on what I did. My first reaction was "Wow, what did I do to this guy tell me these things."
kept reading the email and my fantasy collapsed. He spoke of one "Rodriguez Menendez, who had to give a lesson. They understood that the merits were not of it, if no other Dion. So I preceded to look for "Dion" on Google, to find that mysterious Dion.
I discovered that Joseph was referring to " Dionisio Martín Rodríguez " aka "The Dion" as Wikipedia, a former English security guard who robbed an armored truck company "Candi SA, where he worked, with 298 million pesetas. So I discovered that Dion was such a thief, who has also made music and pulled out a book, and Menéndez Rodríguez, was his lawyer and agent.
After this search, I kept thinking about how many people came to this blog looking for that Dion, but found this one. Do not be disappointed.

PD: At the end I decided to send this post to Joseph in response. I hope that you contact one day his idol;)


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