Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Why Does My Left Leg Ache After I Drink Alcohol

Invasion High estimates (Fail)

A story that appears today in Critics holiday villas talks about our "beloved" mayor. The note said that the holiday villas will with rides for free, which I think is great. What is regrettable is that the statement said William Solorzano, operations engineer for the company Iron City Park, said he hopes that "it is expected that about 150 people enjoy the adrenaline and fun rides offered." "Only 150?
I believe that either, Mr. Solórzano estimates are too low, or who wrote the note was confused, because if the park is open from morning 17 to 27 December are only eleven days and will enjoy 13.63 people per day. And that they say that the day of the opening of the Villas there were over 15,000 people.
Bueno, yo had my hopes of enjoying me getting on the green to see "the pulpit or dino fly."


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