I'ma fan, I confess. But who does not? I love Shakira , you love chocolate, he loves football, she Chayanne, we Cholo Duran, pints and they you Jesus.
Clearly, we all have something we love, we moved, disturbed, excited, but they always give us happiness. I'm a fan of fans, whatever your passion, I do not understand are the antifans. Fortunately
fanaticism is not a community lives, but there is probably to be expressed. May come when many fans agree on times and places, but the truth is that nobody is willing to share with other his ideal. The fans are jealous and want their artist-ideal thing belongs exclusively reach. If you touch them a little more, that is to him or her, rather than another.
I say as a fan, even as an observer. Now let
what I dig. If I agree, and you, too, that this is so, why do we begin to hate what they love each other? When a song started to ruin our lives? What are the reasons for hating a girl two weeks ago did not know who sings songs worthy of their age?
Those with thirteen in the eighties loved Madonna. Those who had loved thirteen in the nineties Britney Spears. Those with thirteen in the 2000 love Hanna Montana. Does that bother you? Really?
Justin Bieber What Kurt Cobain compares to put you angry? Probably have no way to compare, but the global phenomenon of this child should not be ignored. Furthermore, were the statements of a boy of 16 years. 16. "At that age, what was Kurt?
live in recent weeks episode 2.0, worthy of our time. A teenager named Rebecca Black , with a song called Friday, is the center of jokes around the world because many believe the song is the worst in history. Is it necessary? Is a unknown child (until recently), you probably dreamed of becoming a famous singer and what you get is a bunch of ... hatred.
repeat, and that puzzles me is therefore a girl of thirteen. Probably his responsibility for the song and video are minimal, and even if it were not deserve what I have heard many comments there.
The truth is I do not love everything I hear, but neither hatred. In general, if I dislike something, just ignore him or take him out of my life ... It works! I always try to love more and hate less.